About Us

Small Steps was born out of a love for nature, health, and children.

Our vision is a healthy and sustainable way of life, and we offer goods and services that support this vision:

  1. We invest in high-quality, sustainable substitutes for common household items.
  2. We offer live online mat Pilates classes, and 1:1 private reformer sessions for those in Seattle. 


We aim to stop using unnecessary plastic.

We validate products against strict criteria (Beauty, Function, and Sustainability). By testing the products ourselves, we lower the barrier to entry (time, energy, cost, risk) for others to take steps toward a more healthy and sustainable way of life.


Eckhart Tolle said, "Transformation is through the body," and Joseph Pilates said, "Change happens through movement, and movement heals." 

Buckminster Fuller said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."